pressure washer soap for concrete

What is the Best Pressure Washer Soap for Concrete?

Dirty concrete surfaces, such as parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways, can be an eyesore for your business. Thankfully, pressure washing is a reliable way to quickly clear these surfaces and restore your property’s curb appeal.

One problem stops business owners in their tracks–figuring out what soap to use in pressure washer for concrete. So many concrete pressure washer soaps are on the market, making it challenging to determine which blends can clean safely and effectively.

That’s where our team comes in. We’ll teach you how to pressure wash concrete using high-quality soaps that strip away oil and grime in the blink of an eye.

You can find the best pressure washer soap for concrete here at RJP Hotsy New Jersey. Our experienced team has helped local businesses, big and small alike, revolutionize their commercial cleaning protocols.

Please contact us with any questions about concrete soap for pressure washers you have during or after this article!

Why a Quality Concrete Pressure Washer Soap is Essential

Removing stains from concrete isn’t just child’s play. You can’t just use water and dish soap and call it a day. Conversely, if you use a harsh soap, you may do more harm than good.

The best pressure washer soap for concrete removes stains without damaging your underlying surfaces.

Breaking Down Tough Stains

Concrete loves to hoard old stains and never let go. Old oil, grease, spilled beverages, road film…you name it, and it’s probably seeped into your concrete at some point.

The best pressure washer soap for concrete will help kick these stains out permanently. Rather than just sitting at the top layer, concrete pressure washer soap will delve deep into the pores. Once it hits the gunk lying within, it’ll drag it back out to be washed away by your machine.

Unless you’re particularly nostalgic about that one dark spot just inches from your front door, you need a concrete soap for pressure washers that will restore your curb appeal.

Enhancing Cleaning Efficiency

Time is money. Figuring out what soap to use in pressure washer for concrete is the best way to save time in your business.

If you use a soap unsuitable for concrete stains, you’re just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. You might eventually get that debris loose, but you’ll lose valuable labor hours in the process.

A proper concrete pressure washer soap will amplify your cleaning results. Your cleaning time will be slashed in half or even more, letting you knock out an entire parking lot or sidewalk in under an hour.

Balancing Power and Safety

Using pressure washer soap for concrete surfaces is essential for getting results. But just like you can choose an ineffective soap that won’t get you the results, there’s danger on the other side of the spectrum.

There are pressure washer soaps on the market that are too effective at their job. The wrong blend of chemicals can strip your concrete driveway and turn it into a pit full of rubble. You need a soap that can penetrate those pores while protecting the surface from the high-powered water blasts.

Remember, your ultimate goal is restoring concrete and boosting curb appeal. Don’t choose the wrong detergent and expose yourself to expensive repairs.

Factors to Consider in Choosing Your Concrete Pressure Washer Soap

Figuring out what soap to use in pressure washers for concrete isn’t something to take lightly. You need to consider several criteria, including typical stains, the porosity of your surface, costs, and safety matters.

Type of Stain or Grime

To defeat stains, you need to know your enemy. Take time to analyze the typical stains on your concrete surfaces. For example, a parking lot will accumulate plenty of road film and oil stains. On the other hand, a sidewalk might have residue from leaves, grass, and dirt.

While some one-size-fits-all pressure washing soaps work well, being specific will help you get results.

Porous vs Sealed Concrete

Concrete is not a monolith. You may encounter several types of concrete surfaces in a day, all with unique features.

The main thing to focus on in your business is the difference between porous and sealed concrete.

Porous concrete (also called pervious concrete) has holes to allow water to pass directly through. This type of concrete is usually present where water runoff is a concern.

When you blast porous concrete with your pressure washer, it quickly absorbs soap. As such, you need a formula that can penetrate those tiny hooks to lift out stains.

Sealed concrete features an external barrier to prevent water from seeping in. To get past that barrier, you need a penetrating soap, but not so powerful that it destroys it entirely.

It’s a delicate balance, so we recommend figuring out the best pressure washer soap for concrete ahead of time.


Cost Considerations

As a business owner, it can be tempting to cut costs wherever you can.

And hey, if you want cheaper napkins for your restaurant, don’t let us stop you.

But your concrete surfaces are nothing to mess with.

Inferior soaps mean more time on the job, extra water costs, and potential damage to your concrete surfaces. Trying to save a few dollars and ending up with a massive concrete repair bill isn’t our idea of a fun weekday.

A high quality concrete soap for pressure washers will make your life easier. You’ll be able to blast away those stains with peace of mind, knowing your underlying surface is safe.

Safety and Environmental Impact

Going Green is all any business can talk about these days. You don’t want to turn your commercial properties into a chemical warzone that destroys the local animal and plant populations.

Not only would it be morally wrong, but it could put your company on the firing line of local regulations and fines.

We recommend looking for biodegradable soap blends. Ideally, these blends are also phosphate-free, so you can eliminate stains without harming the environment.

Of course, it isn’t just about the ecosystem.

You and your staff need to be safe, too. Avoid blends with volatile compounds unless necessary. You shouldn’t need a hazmat suit just to clean your concrete surfaces.

What is the Best Pressure Washer Soap for Concrete?

Now that you have a list of criteria, it’s time to discuss the best pressure washer chemicals for concrete surfaces.

For commercial-grade detergents, there’s no better brand than Hotsy. Hotsy is the most storied name in the pressure washing industry, with over 50 years of serving businesses worldwide.

Hotsy’s pressure-washing soaps are made with safety and biodegradability in mind. Almost every blend is safe for use on concrete.

But which ones in their arsenal are the best?

The Best Commercial Pressure Washer Soap for Concrete

We recommend a few specific blends for cleaning concrete surfaces.


  • Hotsy Breakthrough: One of Hotsy’s most iconic biodegradable blends, Breakthrough is ideal for all-purpose cleaning. It’s particularly effective against grease stains and works with both hot and cold machines.
  • Hotsy Verde All-Purpose: Verde All-Purpose takes Breakthrough’s cleaning power and packages it in an environmentally friendly blend.
  • Hotsy Con-b-Gone: Con-b-Gone does precisely what it says on the tin. It removes concrete splatter from any surface. As such, it can be a great way to smooth out a concrete surface, but take care that you don’t damage it entirely.
  • Hotsy Ripper I: Hotsy’s iconic degreaser line Ripper can work wonders on concrete surfaces. Follow all instructions, as excessive or incorrect use may be too much for some concrete surfaces to handle.
  • Hotsy Citrus Clean: Citrus Clean is an additive soap that can be used with other blends like Breakthrough or Verde All-Purpose. It acts as a potent degreaser and leaves a pleasant citrus scent behind.
  • Hotsy Enviro-Clean: Enviro-Clean is a solid option if going Green is your #1 priority. This phosphate-free blend is suitable for most wastewater regulations.
  • Hotsy Shop Floor Cleaner: Hotsy’s Shop Floor Cleaner is your best bet for petroleum and oil-based stains.
  • Hotsy “99”: Like Con-B-Gon, “99” effectively removes concrete splatter. It’s primarily used for concrete trucks, but it can also work in select scenarios on your surfaces.


Homemade Pressure Washer Soap for Concrete

If you’re a fan of DIY projects or other quirky endeavors, you might be considering blending soap yourself.

But we’re here to warn you. That can be a huge mistake.

Mixing dish soap, vinegar, water, and your hopes and dreams may sound nice on paper, but you won’t be able to effectively remove commercial-grade stains. DIY blends are far too powerful.

Instead, trust in a proven asset: Hotsy soap. You won’t need to play amateur chemist–just load it up into your pressure washer and start blasting away.

So, where can you find high-quality Hotsy soaps? In the Garden State, there’s only one authorized Hotsy retailer. RJP Hotsy is the #1 home for products and commercial cold water pressure washers in New Jersey!

Get the Best Concrete Soap for Pressure Washer at RJP Hotsy!

Business owners across New Jersey and the surrounding areas trust one name in the pressure-washing world: RJP Hotsy.

From major brands like Nestle, the NJ Turnpike Authority, and Stericycle to local mom-and-pop shops, we’ve helped thousands of businesses streamline their cleaning.

As the best retailer for commercial pressure washers in New Jersey, we don’t just sell you machines and leave you to fend for yourself. We’re your strategic partner every step of the way.

We’ll teach you how to use a soap dispenser on a pressure washer, set you up with suitable soaps, and even help you figure out what type of concrete your property has.

Beyond our biodegradable soaps, we offer sales and commercial pressure washer leasing in NJ. Our machines are backed by the Hotsy name, ensuring you have the best results.

And if you were wondering where to rent a pressure washer, we’ve got you covered there, too. We provide convenient commercial pressure washer rentals in NJ, including accessible drop-off/pickup services. Our team will walk you through how to rent a pressure washer, including how much it costs to rent a pressure washer to ensure no hidden surprises.

We also sell and rent commercial pressure washer trailers in NJ for mobile jobs requiring an independent water source. You don’t have to worry about creating a DIY pressure washer trailer, mounting a pressure washer to a trailer, or learning how to plumb a pressure washer trailer.

Leave the planning to us, and we’ll provide everything you need.

Hotsy machines are reliable and built to last. But if you need commercial pressure washer repair in NJ, our expert team has your back. Our comprehensive 24-point inspection pressure washer troubleshooting process helps catch problems immediately. You’ll pay reasonable pressure washer repair costs and save yourself from learning how to repair a pressure washer yourself.

Wrapping Up Our Guide on What Soap to Use in Pressure Washer for Concrete

Overall, deciding on an ideal soap for pressure washing concrete isn’t something to take likely. A proper soap can work wonders on your property, quickly lifting stains while keeping your concrete safe.

Hotsy makes the best soaps for concrete surfaces. These biodegradable blends have been battle-tested for safety and effectiveness over 50 years.

To find these fantastic soaps, stop by RJP Hotsy! We’re located in New Egypt, New Jersey, and are the only Hotsy retailer in the state.

Our experienced team has helped several businesses like yours. We’ll help you choose the perfect soap for your needs.

And if you have other questions, we’re here to help.

We can teach you how to choose a pressure washer model, such as the differences between hot vs cold water pressure washers and electric vs gas pressure washers. We’ll also show you what size pressure washer you need, including how much pressure washer PSI and pressure washer GPM to aim for.

There’s no question we won’t answer. We can even show you our best practices for pressure washer storage and how to maintain a pressure washer to keep your investment safe.

So, if you’re ready to level up your cleaning and restore curb appeal for your commercial property, stop by RJP Hotsy, the #1 home for commercial hot water pressure washers in New Jersey.

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